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Monday, April 5, 2021

Threadfin Rainbowfish Male Female

1 Dennerle 15 W Trocal de Luxe special plant light. Dennerle BIO CO2 with diffusor micro perler.

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60cm x 30cm x 40cmAquarium Plants.

Threadfin rainbowfish male female. Im keeping 6 male and 7 female I. They are best housed in a species only. The male will also elongated pelvic and anal fins.

There are two ways you can breed. As with many fish these rainbow fish will do best in a tank that is set up mimicking their natural habitat. Amazon sword Anubias nana bucepalandra frogbit and duckweed_____.

Video of a male Threafin Rainbowfish displaying to a female. 19022021 Threadfin Rainbowfish Description. Males develop long fin extensions.

Females have short round fins. Fluval 2plus internal motor filter. Males will display a variety of colors based on living conditions.

The smaller male looks similar to the female but he has a little more color. My plan is to use a 54 L tank 60X30X30 cm as a breeding tank setup. 27042013 Threadfin rainbowfish are native to tropical Australia and Papua New Guinea and frequent thick-vegetated freshwater swamps and slow-flowing creeks where they grow to c.

23042018 I just added three threadfin rainbowfish to my 10 gallon walstad aquarium. Together schools of male and female Threadfin Rainbowfish dart about in synchronicity a sight sure to dazzle the eye. Keep this fish in groups of its own kind with more females than males.

The male Threadfin Rainbowfish will have elongated anterior and posterior dorsal fins. While the male Threadfin Rainbowfish presents primarily silver color as aforementioned the female is a lovely honey hue. Tank compatibility edit edit source An entirely peaceful fish that is vulnerable to being fin-nipped.

Threadfin Rainbowfish Iriatherina werneri 17 In stock Remarks. 28082020 Threadfin Rainbowfish is an egg-scatterer showing no parental care and will consume its eggs and fry if given the opportunity. They require a school of at least 5 individuals to show even remotely good colors.

During the actually spawning the female will release tiny eggs that will stick to a plant or spawning mop. Also it seems the bigger dominant male is constantly courting the one I believe to be the female. They will also have short fins in comparison to the male.

12012021 Some of the popular species commercially available are BosemaniRainbowfish Neon Dwarf Rainbowfish Threadfin Rainbowfish Celebes Rainbowfish Australian Rainbowfish and Turquoise Rainbowfish. The Threadfin Rainbowfish is will usually keep under four cm 1. Jaeger 50 W heater.

Meaning that the tank is reserved for the Threadfins alone. I tried to get two females and one male but what I believe I got was two males and possibly one female. The male Threadfin Rainbowfish will court the female by displaying in front of her.

The Threadfin Rainbowfish needs at least a 15 gallon tank. The populations present in New Guinea are considerably darker than their Australian counterparts. The body is brownish with silvery reflections.

The male has more elongated dorsal and ventral fins. Males of this very small slender rainbowfish are easily recognised by their large rounded first dorsal fin and the long dark rays extending from their pelvic second dorsal and anal fins. Both sexes are darker on the backs however its particularly noticeable in males.

After maturation females will stay honey silver and green in coloration. The males have orange and blue accents primarily and the females green. A school of 10 or more will work best.

Threadfin rainbowfish do well in aquariums of 20 US gallons 76 L however 30 US gallons 110 L is preferred. The recommended male-to-female ratio is about 13 due to polygamous behavior of dominant male. The size of these fish ranges from 2 inches to 8 inches depends upon their species and age.

The safest course of action is normally to move the plantmop to a separate fry rearing aquarium to avoid predation. While the body of the male Threadfin Rainbowfish is mostly silver the female is much more plain but still possess a lovely honey coloration. Male and female contain different sizes.

It is wise to have at least two females per male. 5 cm in length and the males possess extravagant fins that they use to attract females and intimidate other males. Cite this page as.

The males have red orange and blue accents while the females have a slight green hue. These fish can be difficult to breed in captivity as the tiny fry are difficult to feed and keep alive. He will extend his first dorsal and anal fins and flick them to look more impressive.

The first involves separating a single male and two to three females into a smaller tank set up with an air-powered sponge filter with a spawning medium such as a spawning mop or plants like java moss.

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